Bullwhips, Stock Whips and Whip Kits from Kangaroo or Cow Hide Hand built to suit you and your needs
At Aussie Whip Maker, we have a unique and unmatched asset, our heritage which has matured over 169 years, indeed 5 generations. Our longevity and dedication to hard working hand crafted whips that fall straight and true, sets us above the rest. We hand select all our hides for quality and strength, only the very best hides are selected, we are very particular. When you purchase a whip from Aussie whip maker, you also purchase the timeless qualities of our workmanship. The whips can indeed be copied; however, our heritage and craftsmanship cannot be matched.
Aussie Whip Maker Stock Whips are the real Australian stock whips made famous by the stock whip inclusion in the authentic display of Australiana at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Sydney 2000.
Dear Customer, we are dedicated to producing the highest quality whips, we seek excellence always. We take great pride in our craftsmanship and our history, this we trust speaks volumes. The longevity has been handed down over many generations.
“G’day I Gayle Nemeth, now proudly continue this long and humble tradition, setting the standard for hard working, bullwhips and stock whips. We proudly custom build our whips to suit the user and the usage specified. We offer a very high level of personalised customer service that sets us above all others, second to none.”
We have been and still are in the forefront of the whip making industry, this is testament by the awards listed below. We believe our customers have the right to always expect product excellence. We take great satisfaction in our work.

What Whip is Best for Me?
Our Whips are hand crafted to fit you and your needs; custom built to suit your hand size and the type of work you specify.
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Stockmans Hall of Fame Whip Supplier
Aussie Whip Maker is excited and proud to announce that we are now the supplier of quality whips to the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame.
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Why are our Kangaroo Hide Bullwhips and Stockwhips so Popular ?
Kangaroo hide for its weight is the strongest leather in the world. Its lightweight and strength is ideal for whips. A whip is like a chain, the more links a chain has the more fluid it will move, therefore the more strands that a whip has the more fluid it will move. More time is taken when plaiting with more strands, therefore they are the more expensive whip. Kangaroo hide, because of its strength, is the most suitable leather for finer strands.
See our complete range of Kangaroo hide Bullwhips and Stockwhips >>

Winner of the 2004 State of Queensland Office of State Development, Excellence in Export Award
Gayle Nemeth has excelled not only in whip making but also in running her business. Gayle won the 2004 Queensland Office of State Development Excellent in Export Award...
View AwardsAwarded Australian Arts Enterprise "Best Corporate Gift" 2004
We are proud to announce the recent winning of the "Best Corporate Gift" award from the Queensland Merchandise Awards held by the Australian Arts Enterprise...
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Our Guarantee
We guarantee our product and its delivery safe to your hands. If there is any problem, we will sort it out. Thousands of people world wide own and love our whips... If you want quality and traditional workmanship, trust an Aussie Whip Maker whip!